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Website Recoding Services

Unlock Your Website's True Potential
With Expert Analysis & Heatmap service

Using dynamic heatmaps, you can see which parts of your subpages are most popular and where users clicks. Also, we use data from a mouse-tracking system with lots of analysis tools, along with our know-how, to check and improve how user-friendly your website is. You will receive a feasible strategy through which you can optimize your website for greater engagement and improved conversion rates.

Welcome to WAdsBoost – Your Gateway to Enhanced Website Performance!

Spending a lot on advertising but no conversions on your website (no purchases / no quote requests)? Have sufficient users but they spend little time on your website? Don’t know why your expensive webpage isn’t effective? We help answer these questions.

Why Choose Us?

1. Interactive Engagement Tracking
You can find out how users move their mouse on your website, what they click on, and what they hover over without clicking (including dynamic elements: menus, pop-up windows, forms).”

2. Ad Source Analysis
We can separately analyze traffic coming from different types of advertisements.

3. User Experience Enhancement:
Specifically, the forms and steps of the purchasing process on the website can be examined.

4. Conversion Rate Optimization:
Technical issues or malfunctioning elements on the website can be collected and identified.

5. Continuous Support and Improvement:
It quickly becomes clear which subpages are converting and which ones are causing visitors to leave your website.

6. Data Privacy Assurance
All of this is done through anonymous data collection, ensuring your users’ personal data remains secure.


Heatmaps are Ready to Help

Our Services Include:
Heatmaps Analysis: Visualize where users click, move, and scroll, uncovering what attracts attention and what gets overlooked.
Visitor Recordings: Watch real-time recordings of user sessions to understand their journey and identify pain points.
Conversion Funnels: Track and analyze the paths leading to conversion, identifying drop-off points and opportunities for optimization.

Mouse Tracking, Heatmap Analysis Service

Improve your products and services based on real customer needs - and provide them in a way that makes people come back

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